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A state of deep relaxation which enables you to make the positive changes you are looking for.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and in fact we spend many times throughout the day in a state of 'trance', when we are daydreaming or driving a well known route or listening to a fantastic piece of music. It is a time when we are so relaxed that our conscious or rational mind, which is constantly analysing our surroundings to make sense of our experiences, steps back and allows our unconscious mind to come forward. In other words, it's a completely natural state of being.


When we quieten the conscious mind, you are better able to access the emotional or unconscious mind responsible for your emotions, beliefs and memories. This allows you to discover the helpful resources you have within which are often underused.  


Bringing to awareness the unconscious beliefs which are holding you back or driving your current behaviour can empower you to make the changes needed to reach your goals.

How can hypnotherapy help me?

Psychotherapy and other types of talking therapy predominantly helps you to make sense of your thoughts and behaviours using your conscious mind (also known as the rational mind). This part of your brain deals with your ability to reason and make decisions using facts, information and logic. But what about your unconscious mind (also known as your emotional mind)?


Your emotional mind is where your learned patterns of behaviour reside. It's instinctual, impulsive and deals mostly with your emotions.  However, it is non-verbal and mostly hidden from our consciousness.


Hypnotherapy quietens the conscious mind, permiting you to make new and more positive associations which can allow you to:


  • View past experiences differently

  • See future possibilities more favourably

  • Tap into your motivation to change a behaviour

  • Explore new ways of thinking 

  • Explore new ideas or behaviours

  • Challenge rigid thinking about yourself and the world around you


I often use a mixture of talking therapy and hypnotherapy for a number of issues such as: 


  • Relieving stress and anxiety

  • Managing depression

  • Building your self-esteem and confidence

  • Helping you to take control of the direction your life takes

  • Motivating you to reach your goals


These are just a few things it can help with and, in reality, is incredibly beneficial for a number of issues. I do not use a script as your reasons for wanting hypnotherapy is unique to you. I therefore tailor each session to suit your specific needs.

What happens during hypnotherapy?

There are many myths about hypnosis much of which has come from entertainment shows or movies we've seen. The truth is that you are completely in control throughout the whole process. I can't make you do or believe something as your conscious mind will step in and bring you out of hypnosis if it feels there is a threat or something doesn't feel right. You need to feel comfortable and trusting in the therapist conducting the hypnosis to allow your conscious mind to step back. It is therefore a priority of mine to create a space in which you feel safe, in control and trusting in my ability to support you. Establishing a collaborative relationship between us is always my aim and more likely to lead to a successful hypnotherapeutic outcome.


Additionally, I adhere to the UKCP, NSTT and CNHC code of ethics which allows me to practise hypnotherapy safely while respecting your rights to privacy, confidentiality and informed consent.


Most people find hypnosis to be very enjoyable as you are so relaxed you are able to switch off from the day to day clutter of your mind. Allowing yourself to see different opportunities and possibilities in how you think or behave also gives many people a greater sense of choice and control over their lives which they feel is lacking.

Hypnotherapy in North London
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